Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics companies are facing several issues where accurate location-technology is a perquisite. Your drivers have a tight schedule and high volume deliveries for mutual locations. Being fuel- and time efficient in an industry where the margins are thin, is of utmost importance. At the same time, building relationships based on trust with your consumers is vital for your company.
Create value for your Transport & Logistics product
Local Eyes together with the HERE platform helps you to develop the most desirable route and by using the most relevant HERE components you can improve your transport and logistics quality.
Our solutions can be used in fleet management, traffic management, truck navigation, storing driving behaviour, arrival times or even tracking. Give us a call and we’ll tell you more!

Calculate Toll Costs
Hands-on learning with live instructors provides everything you need to make sure you are set up for success. Customized private training is also available.

Optimal Routes
Optimal time to deliver based on actualized location services.

Cost Efficient
Timely delivery within the time calculated.

Increase Profitability
Get things done in less time with lower costs by having an eye on the entire process. Taking in account all variables that different deliveries have.

Improve Driver Efficiency
Hands-on learning with live instructors provides everything you need to make sure you are set up for success. Customized private training is also available.
Learn more about the advantages of building your location services on the HERE platform.
Interested in learning more about HERE’s competitive pricing models and features? In our detailed one-pager we outline HERE’s main advantage points and compare them to other populair map providers such as Google, TomTom and Mapbox.
Get in touch
Local Eyes is a leading provider of location intelligence and data solutions. As a reseller and integrator of geospatial technologies, we believe that forming connections is the basis for business success: connections between people, places, and things. With our products and services, we provide businesses with the dynamic, on-demand data they need to increase their decision-making power.